RCUB BA BSC BCOM Result 2019 Check at rcub.ac.in.

The Rani Channamma University will be soon releasing the much-awaited RCUB BA BSC BCOM Result 2019 from the official website portal of the organisation. The Rani Channamma University has organised and conducted the RCUB BA BSC BCOM Examination for the first, third and sixth semesters of the BA, BSC and BCOM Courses in the University. Candidates can check the results of the RCUB BA BSC BCOM Examination 2019 from the official web page of the Rani Channamma University.

Candidates can check the results of the RCUB BA BSC BCOM Examination 2019 from the official website portal of the Rani Channamma University. As per the latest reports received from the official web page of the Rani Channamma University, the RCUB BA BSC BCOM Examination Result will be soon declared at the official website of the company. Nominees should check-in to the approved website of the Rani Channamma University for the latest updates.

Procedure for Checking the RCUB BA BSC BCOM Score Card 2019
  • Browse the official website of the Rani Channamma University i.e. www.rcub.ac.in
  • Shift to the Notification Wizard from the main menu
  • Tap on the link to the RCUB BA BSC BCOM Exam Result
  • Enter your login details viz; Name/ Date of Birth/ Registration Number/ Roll Number in the relevant fields given
  • Verify the data provided once again and hit the Submit key
  • The RCUB BA BSC BCOM Exam Result 2019 will be obtained on the screen
  • Retain a printout of the RCUB BA BSC BCOM Result 2019 for further use.