DBT and Aadhaar Only for Attracting Voters

As we already know that the next Lok Sabha elections are going to be held on 2014 and all the political parties are geared up with the preparations to gain interest of the voters. Not only the political parties like BJP and others are trying to gain interest of the voters but the centrally ruling United Progressive Alliance is also trying hard to gain attention of the voters by bringing in new schemes so that they can rule the country for third consecutive time.

The last time when Lok Sabha elections were going to take place, UPA launched MNREGA scheme which led to their winning for the second time in the Lok Sabha votings. This time also it looks like the UPA is doing something similar as of last year.

UPA has launched the aadhaar project and many services under it like Direct Benefit Scheme and Direct Cash Transfer Scheme. A poll was conducted by one of the websites asking if the government is trying to gain attention of the voters by bringing up such schemes and majority of the voters voted with Yes.

A poll was conducted by one of the websites containing information about aadhaar and was titled as “Do you think that Aadhaar and DBT schemes from the Government are only for attracting voters for the 2014 Lok Sabha Election?” The poll started on April 2, 2013 and was conducted for a period of 55 days.

The poll ended on May 26, 2013. There were three options where out of which people was asked to choose only one. A total of 5648 votes were received. 70% of the people voted for Yes (DBT is implemented for attracting voters only for next Lok Sabha votings) which made 3946 votes. 23% of the people voted for No (Government has brought up these schemes for the welfare of the people only) which made 1296 votes and 7% of the people gave a mixed reaction which made 406 votes.

We don’t know if what the intentions of the government are by launching these schemes. Do they really want the people of India to get benefit from these schemes or they want to win the upcoming elections? But as per the results collected from poll we can clearly see that majority of people think that it is Government’s way to get attracted and gain votes for the next Lok Sabha elections.