Oriental Cattle Insurance For Scheme/Non-Scheme Beneficiaries

Cattle Insurance:
Heifer Rearing Insurance Scheme
  • The Companies may implement this Scheme with caution and separate statistics may be maintained for review of the Scheme.
  • The Sum Insured is only indicative and depending on local market conditions, it can be altered. Proportionate premium amount may be charged using the method given below.
  • The minimum period of coverage should not be less than 12 months.
  • In case of Non-Scheme animals, the premium rate would be @ of 4% and accordingly, the premium amount should be computed. The premium rate for Scheme animals would be @ 2.25%.
  • The premium amount is computed from 1 day to 32 months.
  • For example: In respect of Scheme animals, the premium is Rs. 207.00 for 32 months and in respect of Non-Scheme animals, the premium is Rs.368.00 for 32 months (Valuation Table enclosed).
The agreement shall be observed by the constituent Companies with regard to the rates, terms and conditions prescribed by this agreement to underwrite the Sheep and Goat Insurance business in India.
All indigenous, cross-breed and exotic Sheep and Goats will be covered under this scheme.

  • Indigenous animal means whose parents are of Indian breed.
  • Exotic animal means whose parents are of foreign breed. This includes animals born in India as well as those born abroad.
  • A cross-bred animal for the insurance purpose means one of whose parentsis of foreign breed.
Animals of age group 4 months 7 years will be covered.
  1. The market value of sheep and goats varies from breed to breed, from area to area and from time to time. The examining Veterinarian’s recommendations shall be considered as the proper guide for acceptance of insurance as well as for settlement of claim.
  2. Sum Insured will not exceed 100% of market value.
Basic- 4% Gross per annum.

Extra Rates:
  • For cross-bred animals 1% gross
  • For exotic animals 2% gross
Group Discount:
The group discount under this scheme will be available as under :-
Upto 100 animals No discount
From 101 to 500 animals 5% of total premium
501 to 1000 animals 7.5% of total premium
1001 to 5000 animals 10% of total premium
5001 to 10000 animals 15% of total premium
Above 10000 animals 20% of total premium
For a Group size of 50 females and 2 males sheep/Goat, Group discount of 2.5% may be allowed.

Minimum Premium:
Minimum premium will be Rs. 30/- per policy.

The policy shall provide indemnity against death of Sheep & Goats due to accident (including Fire, Lightning, Flood, Cyclone, Famine, Strike, Riot and Civil Commotion) or diseases contracted or occurring during the period of insurance. Standard policy wording for Sheep and Goat insurance shall be issued by all Insurance Companies.
Earthquake and landslide cover should also be provided and migration within 80 kms. will be allowed without any extra premium.

Common Exclusions:
As per Cattle Market Agreement.

Specific Exclusions:
  1. Transport by air and sea.
  2. Enterotoxaemia, Sheep Pox, Goat Pox, Rinderpest, FMD, H.S., B.Q. and Tetanus. These diseases are covered by the policy if the animal is successfully inoculated (protected) and necessary certificates (Veterinary) are supplied to the Company. The condition will not applicable for Anthrax.
  3. P.T.D.
  1. The report of the Veterinary Surgeon giving the age, identification marks, health of the animal and indication that protective inoculation has been completed must be obtained for each proposal.
  2. Wherever Veterinary Surgeons are not available, Companies may at their discretion accept certificates of health issued by Livestock Inspectors/Supervisors who are Diploma Holders. Such certificates will be valid for acceptance of proposals only.
  3. Fresh Veterinary examination is not necessary if renewal is effected in time.
  4. Insurers may pay the Veterinarian a fee of Re.1/- per animal towards the Examinaion fees at the time of acceptance of proposal.

All insured animals should be suitably identified by metal ear tagging and/or tattooing method. Natural identification marks should be clearly noted in the proposal and veterinary health certificate.

Since we pay Re.1/- per animal as Vety. certificate fee, it takes care of tagging charges.

Rs.2/- per animal.

Loss settlement shall be made on the basis of market value as certified by Veterinary Surgeon or Sum Insured whichever is less.

  1. In the event of death of the animal, immediate intimation should be given to the Company and the Insured should furnish the following documents and required information
  2. Duly completed claim form.
  3. Death certificate from a Veterinarian on Company’s Form.
  4. Post mortem examination report if required by the Company.
  5. Ear tag wherever applicable.
Migration of Sheep and Goats:
Claims arising outside the geo graphical area in situations like drought, epidemics and naturalcalamities, necessitating movement of insured animals are payable.
Relaxation of the aforesaid nature can be extended to movement of sheep and goat from lower to higher altitude as per weather conditions prevalent in the area or any case necessitating movement of insured animal.

No salvage will be deducted from claim.

Following forms should be utilised with the Agreement :-
  • Proposal form
  • Veterinary Certificate for acceptance of risk. (Fitness Certificate)
  • Claim Form
  • Veterinary Certificate to be submitted during claim. (Death certificate and Post Mortem Report)